The Library participates in state-wide interlibrary loan services through SWFLN.
SWFLN InfoSpecific Policies
The following policies must be accepted in order to complete an Interlibrary Loan request. By selecting Interlibrary Loan Request above, you are agreeing to these policies.
The Library does not borrow reference, music audio, or videos. All requests must go through the online form (above). Library staff is happy to provide assistance when needed. Patrons may have up to five (5) active requests at one time. Seasonal patrons should clearly indicate the date after which requested material is not needed .
Patrons must have a current library card. A user cannot make an Interlibrary Loan request on another user’s card.
Renewals of Interlibrary Loan materials may be made at any branch, in person, with the book and its associated paperwork, at least two days prior to the due date. Some materials may not be renewed due to lending library restrictions.
Interlibrary loan materials must be returned on time inside the library, not in a book drop; damaged materials and repeated overdues affect our relations with lending libraries and may result in the patron’s loss of library card privileges. Due dates are clearly indicated on the date due slip. Fines and fees policies apply for overdue materials. All associated paperwork/labels accompanying borrowed material must be retained and returned.