Collier County Residents
The Library provides a variety of special services for residents of Collier County.

Computer Access, Printing
All branches provide internet and Wi-Fi access. Computers are available with access to printing, scanning & copying. Guest passes are available for non-card holders. Learn more
Submit documents to print from wherever you are – on the road or a home office, from any internet connected device to most library locations. Black & white copies are 15¢ per page; Colored copies are 65¢ per page. Click here for details.

Beach Parking Permits
Residents may obtain beach parking permits at the Naples Regional and Marco Island Branch libraries.
Residents must provide documentation proving their residency, including the original, current Collier County Vehicle Registration and the original, current Collier County Driver’s License, both displaying the same name and Collier County residential address (copies are not accepted). More information can be found on the Collier County Parks & Recreation Beach Parking Information page.

Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples
Museum Passes are available in the library catalog for residents to place requests. The pass must be picked up at the branch where the pass is located. They cannot be sent to your preferred pickup location. Other restrictions apply, which are developed by the Museum. Learn more

The Baker Museum
Museum Passes are available in the library catalog for residents to place requests. The pass must be picked up at the branch where the pass is located. They cannot be sent to your preferred pickup location. Each pass grants free admission to the Baker Museum for two adults. Children 17 and under always receive free admission. Passes may be checked out once per year. Other restrictions apply, as determined by the Museum. Learn more

Book a Librarian
Not sure where to start on a research project? Need help with basic computer skills or using the library’s eResources? Book-a-Librarian sessions offer 30-minute personalized assistance.
A library staff member will provide one-on-one support with basic tech tasks such as navigating the library’s catalog, downloading eBooks or audiobooks, browsing the internet, using the library’s digital resources, or getting started with apps and software on your device.
Be sure to bring your fully charged device and your library card.
Contact library staff to schedule your 30-minute appointment.
Headquarters Library: 239.252.7356
South Regional Library: 239.252.7542
Naples Regional Library: 239.252.5147
Obituary Requests
If the death occurred during the years 1927 through January 2008 (excluding the years for which no microfilm is available), a search may be performed using our online Obituary Index.
The requester of an obituary notice must provide the reference staff with the subject’s name. Include the subject’s full name (if the subject is female, please include her first name, i.e. Mrs. Jane Doe, not Mrs. John Doe). Include your name, a contact phone number, and your mailing address. Please allow one week’s searching time per subject.
Obituary requests are researched free of charge, and one hard copy of the obituary will be made for you free of charge. However, in order to send a hard copy of the obituary to you via postal mail, we ask that you provide us with a self-addressed, stamped envelope, mailed to the Reference Department at the following address:
Naples Daily News Obituary Index
The index contains listings extracted from the microfilmed issues of: Collier County News (a weekly published every Thursday), for the dates July 28, 1927-1936, and November 7, 1947-1966; Naples Collier County Daily News (published five days each week, with Monday and Saturday excluded), for the dates January 1, 1967-December 31, 1976; and Naples Daily News (1977 through January 2008).
SWFLN Member Libraries
As a member of the Southwest Florida Library Network (SWFLN), the Collier County Public Library extends reciprocal borrowing privileges to our patrons. Reciprocal borrowing means that our patrons can borrow from selected libraries without being cardholders of those libraries. See the list of member libraries. Ask at any branch.
SWFLN’s mission is to encourage interlibrary cooperation, to facilitate resource sharing and to provide opportunities for professional growth among all types of libraries and library staff. In support of that mission, SWFLN libraries have established this reciprocal borrowing project, an interlibrary loan and delivery system, and a strong program of library technology training.